Family of foreign fighter from Bedero Valcuvia killed in Ukraine denounces social media haters

*Translated by Sara Pasino

BEDERO VALCUVIA – «Dear Gabriel Galli, on behalf of all the Ukrainian people, my sincere condolences for the heroic death of our Hero and your son Benjamin Giorgio, who sacrificed his life to fight for the freedom of Ukraine and the whole world». These are the words of condolence that Andrii Zadorozhnyi, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, addressed to the family of the young fighter who was born in Bedero Valcuvia, but lived in the Netherlands, who died in the fighting in Ukraine after joining the popular resistance. The Ansa reported it.

Insulted on social media 

Piero Porciani, lawyer from Milan, reported the words of Mr Zadorozhnyi. Benjamin Giorgio‘s family asked Porciani to denounce the haters who attacked the young foreign fighter on the web for his choice to fight with the International Legion of defence of Kiev. «Unfortunately, many people have insulted him on social media for choosing to fight in defence of the Ukrainian people – explains the lawyer – we will act accordingly to protect the sacrifice and memory of this young man». «Honour to you for raising a hero – concludes the Ukrainian politician in his message – let us pray for all of you».

bedero valcuvia ukraine foreign fighter – MALPENSA24